SIGGRAPH '24 (Emerging Technologies)

RobotSketch: an interactive showcase of superfast design of legged robots

Joon Hyub Lee

Hyunsik Oh

Junwoo Yoon

Seung-Jun Lee

Taegyu Jin

Jemin Hwangbo

Seok-Hyung Bae


Robots consisting of many articulated parts performing complex movements are challenging to design. We showcase an interactive system for exploring shapes and structures of robots through 3D sketching, generating plausible movements of robots through AI, and reviewing and refining them in VR. Such immersive prototyping in the early stages can help reduce the time and cost associated with trial and error in later stages, contributing to shortening and streamlining of the robot development process.

2 min. walk-through

Demo at SIGGRAPH '24, Denver, Colorado, USA

See more:

Sketch the Future - ACM SIGGRAPH Blog

생성형 인공지능·가상현실 결합한 3D 스케칭 연구 본격화​ (2024, KAIST)

국내 온라인 보도 통합 (2024, 46 presses)

[디모저모] DRB-KAIST 스케치더퓨처 연구센터 설립 (2024, DRB)

생성형 AI·VR과 결합한 3D 스케칭을 실현할 ‘스케치더퓨처’ 연구센터 설립 (2024, KAIST 공과대학 뉴스레터 제2024-1호)

<로봇스케치> 3D 스케칭 + AI/VR로 로봇 디자인의 혁신을 선도하다 (2024, KAIST 공과대학 뉴스레터 제2024-2호)


Joon Hyub Lee

Research Professor

Junwoo Yoon

M.S. Student

Seung-Jun Lee

Ph.D. Student

Taegyu Jin

M.S. Student

Jemin Hwangbo

Associate Professor

Seok-Hyung Bae

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Design, KAIST
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