🏆 UIST '23 (Poster) - Best Poster Honorable Mention

An interactive system for drawing cars in perspective

Seung-Jun Lee

Taegyu Jin

Joon Hyub Lee

Seok-Hyung Bae


We propose a novel interactive system for drawing cars in perspective. Our harmonious set of pen and touch interactions based on traditional tools and techniques can help car designers naturally transition from 2D sketching to 3D sketching and allow them to sketch cars in 3D intuitively and iteratively. The pilot test shows that our system is easy to learn and use.


Presentation and demo at UIST '23, San Francisco, California, USA


Seung-Jun Lee

Ph.D. Student

Taegyu Jin

M.S. Student

Joon Hyub Lee

Research Professor

Seok-Hyung Bae

Associate Professor


🏆 UIST '23 Best Poster Honorable Mention

An Interactive System for Drawing Cars in Perspective

Seung-Jun Lee, Taegyu Jin, Joon Hyub Lee, and Seok-Hyung Bae

Department of Industrial Design, KAIST
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